
Revelation 7:9-17, Matthew 5:1-12
All Saints Day

This Sunday we’re exploring what it means to be the saints at St. Paul's. We’re blessed to have Norman assisting at the Service, and Norman and I will begin the Service by leading the Congregation in a special All Saints’ Day Litany. Our passages from Holy Scripture set forth for us the bottom line of existence through the glimpse of heaven in the Book of Revelation and the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew. We have our Choir on tape leading us in our Opening and Closing Hymns, and the great All Saints’ Day hymn “For All the Saints” on the magnificent pipe organ at All Saints’ Church, Oystermouth, Swansea, in Wales for our Offertory! Stacy is giving the first Reading, and Murray is leading the Prayers of the People, which include special All Saints’ Petitionary Prayers, and Prayers in Response to COVID-19 – including “A Prayer as I Put on My Mask,” penned by the Moderator of the United Church of Canada. We also have Paul playing live for us on the keyboard during Communion – because we have the joy of sharing Communion not only spiritually (which we’ve been sharing since Easter) but also physically!

Today’s Service of Holy Eucharist was livestreamed on our main Facebook page ( at 9:30 am. Unfortunately our modem failed just before communion so the recorded service ends there. Please download the Order of Service if you would like to follow along.

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