
Philippians 1:21-30, Matthew 20:1-16
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Our passages from Holy Scripture this Sunday invite us to enter the world that Jesus turns upside-down – or rather, right-side up! We’re blessed to have John L. read our First Lesson; and Deacon Bob read the Gospel and explore these passages with us in his Homily. We’re also blessed to have our Choir on tape to lead us in both of our Hymns, and to sing an anthem during the Offertory. As is our practice with Services of Morning Prayer, we’re spending extra time offering our petitions and thanksgivings together. We’re sharing a Litany from the Service of the Word in the National Church’s 2010 “Grey Booklet,” a “Prayer in Response to COVID-19” from the Mothers’ Union. and a “Prayer for Our Schools” from Houston, Texas.