
1 Corinthians 10:16-17, John 6:51-58
Corpus Christi

Today we're celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi ("the Body of Christ"). We remember how our Lord Jesus pours out his love for us, to be the Bread of life who feeds the deepest hunger of our hearts; his gift to us of Holy Communion, in which we feed on him by faith in our hearts with thanksgiving; and his summons to us, his Church, to share (and BE) bread for others, as we live as his Body in the world. We’ll do this through our Readings from Holy Scripture; the Homily by Deacon Bob; our Hymns (two in which the Choir will lead us, an instrumental piece, and a music video entitled "Lamb of God" by Sean Dayton); our Prayers, which will give expression to our Mission as the Body of Christ to intercede for our world; and our sharing of the Eucharistic Prayer and Spiritual Communion together.